Soul Soothing Intensives
I am available for the deeply sacred work of holding space for the most intense, shame filled, difficult and unpleasant aspects of your journey. I will hold profound loving space spiritually, emotionally and physically. We will journey together into the Akashic Records bringing in spiritual presence for the loving and healing guidance. I will support you in finding ways to allow the “despised” and “unworthy” and “desperate” and “unwanted” parts of you to be welcomed, answered, heard and unconditionally loved.
You will experience hearing words you long to hear, you will have space to tell truths you long to tell to a loving witness, you will release emotionally and somatically and be supported in this with a variety of tools – sound, movement, emotional release counseling, energy healing, light language, healing touch and platonic cuddling, somatic release practices and much more.
I specialize in assisting in the complex intertwining of mind, body and spirit so I utilize many different tools and modalities. I am especially experienced in supporting people with: complex physical health issues, mental health issues, ADHD, people who experience oppression (especially LGBTQ+ but also members of other discriminated communities), Interpersonal challenges, eldering, intergenerational trauma, attachment style issues (especially anxious), highly sensitive people, and die hard do-gooders.
Soul Soothing Intensives are custom designed and can last for as little as 90 minutes or as long as 2 days. They will include a virtual curation session where we craft an experience that suits your needs.
They are usually held at Samadhi Yoga Retreat in between San Marcos and Wimberley, Texas but I am open to discussing options for other locations. If you do the session at this location you can also experience the healing vibration of the land and witness the incredible scenic views.
To inquire about a Soul Soothing Intensive, please email with your interest to