Choose from the standard Healing Staycation Guide that you can adapt yourself or the Custom Designed Guide that I will curate for you.

Healing Staycation Guide

Downloadable written guide with instructions for creating your very own healing staycation for you, you and your mate, you and some friends, you and family, etc.

Guide will offer suggestions on structure, practices, activities, rituals, tips, resources, flow, timing, length, focus and how to create the emotional experience you desire.


for Adaptable Healing Staycation Guide

Custom Designed Healing Staycation Guide

Custom Designed plans for a deeply healing stay at home experience to meet your specific desires, needs and considerations. This can be for you or you and any group of others you desire. This can be focused on deep healing, rejuvenation, joy and playfulness, peace and quiet or whatever experience you desire.


This option includes customized written document and a 1 on 1 pre-session (60 minutes) for curation and healing support

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